Ayem Nour sublime in lingerie: her slim figure impresses

Ayem Nour has much to be proud of her slim figure, she who has long struggled to achieve such results. Indeed, after the birth of her son Ayvin (5 years old, fruit of her former love affair with Vincent Miclet), the former candidate of Secret Story was completely transformed, the fault of the thirty kilos she gained during her pregnancy. A weight gain which had earned him the subject of sharp criticism and mockery.

It was very violent. Fortunately, I have the good fortune to be surrounded by good people. In addition, I have a certain strength of character. At the time, I was very hurt, then I got up. I revolted against this grossophobia“, she explained for Paris here last September. If she first tried several diets without much success, Ayem had finally decided to turn to cosmetic surgery. But then again, she found herself at an impasse. “I had reached such a weight load that my friends advised me to undergo liposuction. Even plastic surgeons refused to operate on me because my overweight was too important“, she had also revealed.

Finally, by dint of determination, Ayem Nour was able to find her body on her own. During the first confinement in 2020, she notably turned to the keto diet which consists of reducing your consumption of carbohydrates and proteins and increasing the proportion of energy that comes from fat. “Thanks to this diet, I shed 25 kilos in one year and stabilized my weight. I also continue to lose pounds“, confided the young woman who subsequently released the book Simply Keto, my tips and 50 recipes to lose weight without frustration last June 17th. Today, Ayem is more comfortable in his skin than ever. “I gained confidence. I’m pretty proud that I managed to lose those pounds“.

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