“Who’s the most obnoxious personality you’ve met?” This is the question posed by Matthieu Delormeau to his columnists in TPMP People on C8, this Saturday, October 22. He was the first to go. “I’ll Get Turned On”he began before rectifying his question. “The least friendly but who has incredible talent is Christophe Dechavanne”dropped the host, hiding with his cards. “Real talent, but not sympathetic”. A few weeks ago in TPMPthe two men had a rather rough exchange.
Florian Anselme remembered his interview with JoeyStarr. A musician and actor whom he admires from an artistic point of view but who left him with terrible memories. Benoit Dubois cited the name of host Valérie Damidot.
Ayem Nour, for his part, first gave the name of Enora Malagré before telling an anecdote that left him with a very bitter taste. “I was at the Plurielles Festival (in Compiègne, editor’s note) that I hosted and Anne Parillaud refused to let me appear next to her for the photo-call”she said. “She made a special request that I not be next to her in the photos”she recalled. “It’s still indelicate, we’re still human beings, we all have the right to respect each other. It was still a little inappropriate”said Ayvin’s mother, hurt by this behavior.
To see also: “Benjamin Castaldi is full of excavations”: resentful, Cyril Hanouna balances on the salary sheet of his replacement!
Adam Javal-Fauconnier