Ayem Nour -25 kilos in 1 year: shock revelation about his “too much overweight”

In 2011, during the fifth season of Secret Story, Ayem Nour turned heads. The pretty brunette with the face of an angel and a dream body quickly established herself as one of the leading reality TV figures of the time. Subsequently, she swapped her place as a candidate for that of TV columnist, host and even actress. A nice evolution for the beauty who also took a nice step in her personal life by taking on the role of mom in June 2016, when she gave birth to her son Ayvin, born of her past love with the businessman. Vincent Miclet. From this pregnancy, the beautiful brunette kept in memory about thirty kilos… before getting rid of them in a radical way!

She, who has suffered so much from the criticism of her new silhouette as a young mother, has melted like snow in the sun. With our colleagues fromParis here in September 2021, when she had just displayed her regained size, Ayem Nour revealed that she had tested several diets, without success. She then wanted to turn to other methods but was faced with refusals. “I had arrived at such a weight load that my friends advised me to have liposuction. Even plastic surgeons refused to operate on me because I was too overweight“, she even revealed.

Finally, the ex-reality TV candidate now a columnist in TPMP People (C8) did not need to go through the surgery box. She combined sports exercises and new eating habits. Indeed, she has been following the Keto diet for more than two years now, based on the reduction of carbohydrates and the increase in the intake of lipids and proteins. “Thanks to this diet, I shed 25 kilos in one year and stabilized my weight. I keep on losing pounds“, she explained. Since then, she has even published her own book called Simply Keto, my advice and 50 recipes to lose weight without frustration (Thierry Souccar editions).

I gained confidence. I’m pretty proud that I managed to lose those pounds“, she added. A nice revenge for this young mother who was attacked for a long time on her weight!

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