Aya Nakamura threatened by her companion with a firearm: new revelations!

But what could have happened between Aya Nakamura and her companion Vladmir Boudnikoff for both of them to end their weekend in police custody? Arrested on the night of Saturday to Sunday after an extremely violent quarrel, the singer and the producer would have been very aggressive towards each other… and a weapon would have even been drawnaccording The Parisian.

Our colleagues indeed say that it all started in the evening, whenAya Nakamura joined their home in Seine-Saint-Denis with two friends of hers. A gesture that would not have pleased his companion, also his producer, who then threatened them with a weapon. The guests then allegedly called the police, who arrested everyone until they understood the situation.

The two friends were indeed quickly released, the singer and her companion both getting away with a few hours later with summonses to court for “violence by spouse resulting in incapacity for work of less than eight days“. Appeared before a medico-judicial unit, they were indeed prescribed three days of ITT each, without the exact nature of their injuries being known.

If the weapons were then seized during a search, the violence of their evening worries: the singer and her producer, together since 2020, are parents of a little girl, Ava, since the beginning of the year and who lives with them. The interpreter of Djadja is also the mother of a little girl, Aïcha, born six years ago and whom she fiercely protects from any media coverage.

The singer’s lawyers did not wish to officially comment on this case, released this Wednesday in the media. The singer has also remained very discreet: hardly surprising on her part, she who generally prefers not to comment on her private life. In January, however, she had reserved a little surprise for her fans by posting to them in story an extremely rare snapshot of her two daughters, Aïcha and Ava, lying in bed, their faces hidden by an emoji. A way for her to confirm the birth of her second princess without giving too many details!

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