Axelle Red, sad and worried for Renaud!

Axelle Red was the guest of BoomerangAugustin Trapenard’s program on France Inter, this Wednesday, June 15th. The opportunity for the 54-year-old artist to be questioned about his friend, Renaud. “My heart is super sensitive to this man. He is a real man”she began. “And I am sad, being so loved by this French population, that he does not have the 100% happy life he deserves, it hurts my heart”.

One of the country’s most popular singers has suffered from numerous health problems in recent years. In particular, he fought old demons, namely his addiction to alcohol. “For a year and a half, I no longer drink a drop of alcohol. I am particularly satisfied with it. However, I still smoke like a firefighter. I still went from four packs of cigarettes a day to one pack,” he said on RTL. And in the columns of JDDhe was talking about a heart operation he had to undergo. “I had heart surgery last year. I had a stent placed because of a clogged artery. Since then, I’ve been doing very well.”

Reunion under fire from critics

Tuesday, May 10, 2022, France 2 broadcast a special program to celebrate the 70th birthday of singer Renaud, celebrated the next day. On the stage of the Dôme de Paris, the artist was joined by Axelle Red to interpret their legendary hit Manhattan – Kaboul, written shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001. Except that the show did not at all seduce the viewers…

On TwitterInternet users let loose: “What’s Axelle Red’s excuse for this carnage?”, “Axelle Red who manages to sing worse than Renaud: I didn’t expect it! #Help!”, “In front of #happybirthdayrenaud, and see that Axelle Red sings even worse than Renaud… Mdr…”, “Renaud has unfortunately been sick for a while and tonight he seems pretty good, but Axelle Red what a disappointment”.

See also: Louane emotion documentary Renaud

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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