Axel (“Star Academy”) creates a stir by appearing for the first time without glasses… His fans already love it!

He captivated them! This Saturday, December 30, 2023, during the ninth prime of season 11 of the star AcademyAxel and his unnamed academic colleagues set the mood for 3.5 million viewers on a medley called The Boom of 31. For the occasion, Héléna and Lénie sang Young lady of Diam’s, before giving way to Axel, Julien and Pierre on Woman Like U by K-Maro. The two teams then joined forces for the Gim’s title Sapés comme n’ever. Over the last two performances, Axel surprised more than one by appearing for the first time without glasses. Something to amuse Nikos Aliagas and the faculty, but not the viewers, who have hundreds to find that Axel’s face was totally modified… and embellished !

“Axel, without your glasses, it’s whenever you want, wherever you want, in fact”, “I can’t take it anymore, we were all like that in front of our TV when we saw Axel without glasses, we were so shocked”, “On the other hand, it’s crazy how Axel without glasses shook you up“, “We don’t talk about this performance enough: Axel in bad boy mode, very comfortable vocally and physically present, he delivers on RnB, he knows how to do everything, and what’s more, he’s downright handsome” , “In love with straight Axel without glasses and you?”, “Axel is so handsome without glasses, he looks like a Chanel model“, “Axel turns me on without his glasses” are so many superlatives that we could read on Star Ac.

Favorite of the public… and the jury!

During the evening, Axel, however, quickly put his glasses back on, in particular to find Isabelle Boulay. The young man shared with the companion of Minister of State Eric Dupond-Moretti a duet on his famous title Talk to me. He also sang with Julien the hit Take On Me by A-Ha. The young man seems to have achieved a flawless bonus, since he received for the first time Michael Goldman’s director’s favorite, but also that of his dance teacher Malika Benjelloun. And as if this bonus was not magnificent enough for the young man, it ended in apotheosis with the repechage of Djebril, saved by the public against Candice. His best friend and “little brother” as he likes to recall, returned to the castle at his side, for seven more days. What happiness!

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