Axel (Married at first sight) in depression after filming: revelations about the “disaster” he experienced

The experience Married at first sight 2022 was not the easiest for Axel. The project manager and site pilot, who was 30 years old during the filming of the M6 ​​show, married Caroline (29) with whom he was 80% compatible. But the concierge business manager was quickly distant with him, not judging him to his physical taste and noting that their lifestyles could not match. Their marriage therefore ended in divorce. And the aftermath was very difficult for the candidate.

This Monday, June 27, Axel opened up about his complicated return home, once his adventure is over. “2 months of depression… 2 months of questioning in the face of this disaster and 2 months to be closed to the words ‘MAPR’“, he first wrote. He then highlighted the fact that for months, he invested himself body and soul in this experience. Months “waiting, focusing, sacrifices. Months of not looking for relationships, since from the moment it was announced to me, [il était] in couple with MAPR“.

He then resumed hiking to focus on himself and asked himself many questions. “Often I told myself that Love was not made for me. What had I done to deserve someone like that? So far from my needs, at odds with my vibrations? Is what I return consistent with my compatibility? Do I have a wrong image of who I am?“, he wondered. Then he “understood that it was a test” that life put on his path in order to test his patience but also his openness and his ability to choose. This experience also allowed him to open up to the world.

Attacks by people who don’t know me left me speechless

Then came the moment of the broadcast which was not easy to manage, in particular because he discovered that he lacked”a part of [son] humanity“Like other candidates, like his ex-wife Caroline, he happened to be at the heart of criticism.”Attacks by personalities who don’t know me have left me speechless, because I don’t have to respond to them because it’s so incoherent, unfounded, and energy-consuming. I only recognize myself in part in all this, this part being perhaps 20% of my ME. Was it not necessary to show everything? Should it be oriented?“, he continued.

Finally, Axel retained only the positive. He is pleased to have made good progress since then, to have managed to heal his wounds. “I feel free and grounded. I admit to being in a good life, I made beautiful encounters which bring me a certain sun on the human level. Failing to draw strength from all this, I draw from it an experience and an opportunity“, he concluded.

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