Axel (Married at first sight) hospitalized after his divorce: “I broke down heavily”

The candidate of Married at first sight 2022 split its shell for the needs of the M6 ​​broadcast. Axel has agreed to talk about his painful love past, the opportunity to discover that he was already married at the age of 21. And it was this sentimental disappointment that completely destroyed him, to the point that he was hospitalized. A story he told on his Instagram account on April 12.

Caroline’s husband once again opened up to the social network. This time, it is on his tattoos that he poured out in order to decipher them with his community. He first shared a photo on which we can see his three body works. In legend, he specified that very often, they told stories. This is his case and he is also preparing to make a very personal fourth.

Following a difficult period related to my first marriage…

It was at the age of 18 that he went to the tattoo artist for the first time to have his initials and his astrological sign, namely the lion, drawn. “A disaster“, he specified. Axel once again wanted to take the plunge, during a trip to Toronto. “I wanted to remember it as a Maori tattoo. I wanted to represent my astro sign always, but also the TIKI (symbol of power and protection) of birds (symbol of freedom). There are turtle scales related to the oceans (world beyond), shark teeth (advice and power) and a seashell (protection)“, can we read.

But it’s her third tattoo that means the most to her, as it marks a very difficult time in her life. “Following a difficult period linked to my first marriage, I broke down quite heavily… I was hospitalized. The only acceptable reason for the doctors to let me out of there: ‘I have two dogs that I have to take care of because my ‘wife’ won’t!’ The monsters helped me get out of it, we were constantly outside during this month of November 2017, in nature, in the mountains, sleeping under the stars because the house was a source of anxiety attacks. To cover my scars, I chose a tattoo of Lobo and Miska, 3 cracked mountains (for us), lotuses and trees (for nature) and the Shepherd’s Cross to remind me where MY north is. In the mountains hide 4 initials for the people who helped me out (sometimes a word makes all the difference…). The scars are an integral part of the tattoo and the whole thing reminds me not to give up anymore“, he continued.

This ordeal allowed Axel to turn negativity into positivity. He was delighted to be able to take advantage of nature and to be able to discover hitherto unsuspected resources at home.

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