Axel (Married at first sight) disappointed: he restores his truths and denounces the image that sticks to him

Axel is one of the candidates for Married at first sight 2022 (M6) presented during the first episode, Monday March 21. But the 30-year-old didn’t fully appreciate the portrayal of him and made it known on Instagram following the broadcast.

It was explained that the construction manager and pilot had been single for six months during the filming. Married at the age of 21, he experienced a divorce which pushed him to rebuild himself. He therefore left to live in the mountains with his two dogs, which he considers to be members of his family. A lifestyle similar to that of Caroline with which he is 80% compatible, which has been put forward. Just like its ecological sensitivity.

After discovering the images, Axel, who as we have seen does not have his tongue in his pocket, wanted to make a small update on his Instagram account. First of all, he regretted that no city plan had been shown. “In the portrait drawn in the first episode, you see me mostly in kind. I don’t think there’s any plan in town for that matter. The voiceover evokes my voluntary departure for the mountains to isolate myself. Well, I like peace, but I’m not a Hermit. And it’s not my divorce that’s in question either. I chose to leave my origins for the mountains and the much more accessible nature here“, first wrote the candidate. He then explained that Savoie is a place that allows him to go hiking for hours, to escape or to enjoy complete silence.

In the portrait, they want to stick the label of a Hermit on me (to stick to someone’s image?). But I live in a residential area in the countryside, in the valley, 15 minutes from Chambéry. I live in a modern house, with a hair dryer“, he continued. Axel also clarified that contrary to what the public could see, his parents only hesitated five minutes before agreeing to come to his potential union with Caroline.

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