Axel (Married at first sight) destroyed by his divorce, the candidate lets go of his terrible descent into hell

Axel is one of the emblematic candidates of the 6th season of “Married at first sight”. Unfortunately, the show did not allow the young man to find the shoe that suited him. Worse, it will have created a certain discomfort in Caroline’s partner. On the occasion of the broadcast of the last episode, this nature lover wanted to confide in his descent into hell after his divorce. ” Digest the tests. The return home with all the disappointment that weighs down after these few days far from my bearings “Writes Axel on his Instagram account.

“Two months of depression”

Disappointed, the candidate returns to a particularly difficult period. ” And 2 months of depression… 2 months of questioning in the face of this disaster and 2 months of being closed to the words ‘MAPR’. It’s quite difficult to quantify all that I felt. Months of investment, waiting, development, sacrifice. Months of not looking for relationships, since from the moment it was announced to me, I was in a relationship with MAPR. I resumed hiking through the summits, just to gain height, but above all to seek solitude, to be in my comfort zone. Very often I told myself that love was not made for me “.

Filled with doubt, he keeps asking himself: What had I done to deserve someone like that? So far from my needs, at odds with my vibrations? Is what I return consistent with my compatibility? Do I have a wrong image of who I am? “And to conclude:” Level distribution, it was also complicated. Discovering that a part of my humanity is missing. I’m not Mr. Perfect; I have my faults, my demands, my emotions and my harsh words. Attacks by personalities who don’t know me have left me speechless, because I don’t have to respond to them because it’s so incoherent, unfounded, and energy-consuming. I only recognize myself in part in all this, this part being perhaps 20% of my ME. Shouldn’t we show everything? Should it be oriented? “. A question that says a lot…


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