awareness raising and barrier gestures on the New Year’s Eve menu



France 3

Article written by

L. Nahon, B. Demange, D. Lefauconnier, S. Perez, A. Gaucher, V. Lucas, J.-J. Buty, L. Monfort, S. Thiebaut, PM de la Foata – France 3

France Televisions

Another New Year’s Eve under the sign of Covid, no general curfew, but new restrictions in places such as in Paris, where the mask will again be mandatory outside, and bars will have to close at two in the morning.

Now is the time to raise awareness on the Champs-Elysées. But on Friday, December 31, the mask will have to make its return to the streets of Paris. In Paris, 9,000 police and soldiers will be deployed for New Year’s Eve checks. Because in addition to wearing a mask, it will be prohibited to consume alcohol on public roads. Some have planned to celebrate New Year’s Eve in bars or restaurants, but again, constraints, with the ban on dancing and the obligation to leave the establishment at two in the morning. “If each bar puts 2 people in the street at two in the morning, it will (concentrate) the people in the street“, remarks Carlos Alves, manager of La Boîte.

A cabaret near Nancy has decided to maintain its New Year’s Eve party, with a festive meal and a show, without forgetting the barrier gestures. With great uncertainty as to the number of people present on the 31st. And for several days, calls from worried customers have multiplied. “People need to be reassured, to know if it is maintained“, says Brigitte Febvre, manager”The Thousand and One Stars“. For New Years Eve, the agglomeration of Strasbourg has decided to re-establish a curfew for unaccompanied minors under the age of 16.

source site-29