On the eve of the big departures for the CEA holidays, the European Community of Alsace is launching an awareness campaign for the cleanliness of roads and rest areas.
In this period of great migration, vacationers relax and often leave rubbish on the ground: the agents find daily on motorway service areas: papers, bananas, leftover sandwiches.…while there is a garbage can a few meters away.
Peak of waste collected in summer, due to the relaxation of motorists
Not to mention individuals who leave behind refrigerators, mattresses, tires, even asbestos sheets. There are also bags of excrement that the truck drivers throw away. Signs are installed to educate motorists, but apparently this is not enough.
– Guillaume Chhum
let’s remember that fines can go up to 1,500 euros for heavy waste left on the side of the road. But the verbalizations are difficult, because the officers must catch the offenders in the act.
Half a ton of waste per kilometer in Alsace each year collected
July and August are always the pick-up peak for agents. On the 300 km of motorways including the A35 which crosses the north of Alsace and the A36: 150 tons of waste are collected per year, that’s half a ton per kilometre. It is a cost of 300,000 euros.
One message: keep your rubbish or put it in garbage cans.