Avoid the tick bite

Tick ​​Prevention

The small blood-sucking parasites can, among other things, transmit viruses and bacteria. It is therefore always important to avoid, as far as possible, being bitten by an infected tick. There are a few effective ways to protect yourself from dangerous pathogens when spending time outdoors.

Tips to protect yourself from tick bites

  • Avoid tall grass and underbrush.
  • Wear long-sleeved clothing that closes well and pants.
  • Opt for light colors where ticks will be more visible.
  • Use insect protection (repellents).
  • After every walk and outdoor activity, carefully inspect your body for ticks.

Also remember to carefully inspect your children’s skin all over their bodies after each outing in the open air. The ideal is to make them first take an abundant shower or a bath. Pay particular attention to people with freckles, moles, or dark skin, as the tiny arachnids are less noticeable in them.

How does it bite? She spots their prey, posted on the tall grass, attracted by the movements the heat emitted by the animal or the man, she takes the opportunity to cling to him. The bite is painless. © Radio France
Luke Carrascosa

Along with proper clothing, applying insect repellents can also provide protection. However, it is important to know that these products only protect for a short time. However, it is still possible to get bitten.

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