Aviation: the last stage of the airmail rally


Article written by

N.Bertrand, M.Guillaume, F.Fougère, T.Pham-Hung – France 2

France Televisions

Friday October 21 marks the continuation and the end of the incredible adventure in the footsteps of the airmail pioneers and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. After a stopover at Saint Louis in Senegal, rally enthusiasts stayed at the Hôtel de la Poste, where have passed aviation heroes.

In Mauritania, at the airport of Nouadhibouthe weather is capricious. It should have been a simple technical stopover, but the rally drivers have been waiting for two hours in the rain. A small window of good weather seems to be arriving timidly. The crew is determined to take advantage of it. Parties from Toulouse (Upper Garonne) a week ago, the pilots are heading today for Saint-Louis, in the north of Senegal. This is the last leg of the journey. But the weather is acting up. “The objective is not to enter these areas where there is a lot of turbulence, it can potentially be dangerous“, entrusts a pilots.

After two hours in the rain, the desert seems to give way. The Saint-Louis airport runway appears. The team goes to the city hospital for a humanitarian delivery, an ophthalmology device. Thanks to this, an octogenarian could be operated on immediately. Then the crew stops at the hotel de la poste where Anthony by Saint-Exupéry has himself housed, but also Jean Mermoz. “We don’t want to leave, we don’t want it to end”admits one of the crew members.

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