Avatar 2 unveiled in London ahead of its worldwide release

(London) Fans and the cinema world have their eyes on London where Tuesday night is screened Avatar 2the most anticipated film of the year by cinemas who hope to finally forget the pandemic and reap billions of dollars in revenue.

Avatar: The Way of the Watersigned James Cameron, arrives Friday, December 16 in North American cinemas, with a triple ambition: to surpass the first opus, the biggest success in the history of the world box office, to deny the death of cinema in theaters, and to give birth to a saga as legendary as Star Wars.

Thirteen years later Avatarwhich is approaching 3 billion euros in worldwide receipts, this second film takes the path of the star Pandora, light years from Earth, for a science-fiction fable with an ecological tone.

Shot like the first for 3D, with a mountain of digital images, the film stretches over 3:12. Contrary to James Cameron’s predictions at the time, Avatar did not make it possible to widely impose the three-dimensional image on the cinema, which requires the wearing of ad hoc glasses, but the director clings to this technology.

The secret on the plot is jealously guarded, but the film must make it possible to discover a new tribe of native extraterrestrials, living in the marine environment, and features the survivors of the first opus, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and their five children. Kate Winslet joins the distribution, a quarter of a century later titanic.

Test for industry

Like a hundred people, Dobrinka Perry, “a big fan of the film”, waited in the cold London to see the film crew. Her face made up in the same blue as the characters, she identifies with the two heroes: “I also have five children, I am also a fighter, I fight for my Pandora […] for (the planet) that we will leave to our children later”, she assures.

“We have been patient for a long time” so “expectations are very high”, abounds Nelly Szabo, 23-year-old Londoner, who says “everything” to love about the film, “the love story, the fight”, as well as the effects specials.

“I really liked the first one, so I’m happy that there is finally a 2”, enthuses Geraldine Esteve, illustrator from Paris “for the red carpet, for the actors”. “I really liked the universe, the aesthetics,” she recalls. “Seeing it on the big screen was very beautiful, the colors, the lights…”.

The film represents a huge challenge for James Cameron, undisputed king of the world box office, who chained records with titanic then the first Avatar, which remains the highest-grossing film in the world to this day. Also at stake for Disney: the images of the third opus have already been shot and a new Avatar is planned every two years at least until the 5ein 2028.

“I’m always worried when a film comes out and it’s a particularly difficult time” after the pandemic, acknowledged the director, interviewed on the red carpet by the BBC.

“We have confidence in the film…it’s a good experience, it’s powerful, it’s emotional […] but we will see what happens,” he added.

“The release of the film is a big test for the global cinema industry, everyone is waiting for it”, analyzes for AFP Eric Marti, general manager of Comscore France, which measures and analyzes the audience of films.

“For two years, it was only for the platforms. For cinemas, this release is The Empire Strikes Back : the reaffirmation of the primacy of the room” over all other distribution channels, he adds.

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