Autumn detox, is it useful or not?

An effective detox inspired by our grandmothers

Jacques Labescat, doctor and author
@Healing with plants –

To cleanse ourselves and strengthen our immune system, detox appears to be a simple way to achieve this. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, a detox is recommended. So how to proceed? Already with a glass of hot lemon water in the morning before starting the day. But the good old recipes of our grandmothers are just as effective, such as nettle soup, without overheating the nettle leaves, to avoid losing their virtues, or the rosemary infusion. The plant of the month for November by Jacques Labescat is also: purple echinacea this antiviral and antibacterial plant from the Americas.

Jacques Labescat publishes a new book on November 6, 2022 “plants of pleasure” or how plants can come to the aid of our libido.

More info on his website:

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