Autumn camping: the most beautiful of seasons

Fewer tourists, fewer mosquitoes, mild weather and the festival of colors as a bonus, who says better? Seven good reasons to go on an adventure in national parks and Sépaq territories.

1. The (very) good weather

Fall camping is attracting more and more enthusiasts, and for good reason: from mid-August until mid-October, the ideal conditions are met to allow campers to fully enjoy nature, which is at best in this time of year. After the summer heat waves, the weather is conducive to hiking or cycling (especially when the routes are more demanding). Depending on the region, the water is still warm enough during the month of September for paddleboarding – and you can of course canoe or kayak all season long.

2. Cool evenings

The sun sets earlier? It’s the perfect excuse to gather around a campfire with a hot chocolate (or a glass of wine!), to enjoy the evenings that stretch quietly around a comforting meal and, on a clear day, to observe the stars without having to stay up late. All this without being harassed by biting insects. Another advantage of autumn nights: their coolness promotes deep and restorative sleep.

3. The show of colors

Attending the great annual metamorphosis of the Quebec landscape is quite a privilege, especially on a hike, when you can breathe deeply the musky smell of leaves and humus. Mountain tours are particularly popular, as they offer a unique vantage point of soaring leaves. Among the most beautiful high-altitude trails are the La Roche trail in Mont-Tremblant national park, the Escalier-du-Nord trail in Mont-Orford national park, and the Sommet Saint-Joseph du Mont-Mégantic National Park. Finally, when the disproportionate landscapes of the Saguenay Fjord are adorned with colors, the spectacle is to die for. An experience to live at least once in your life, by taking the Les Caps trail or by taking a mind-blowing via ferrata course (hybrid between rock climbing and hiking on the side of a rock) laid out on the walls of the bay Eternity.

4. Access to the most beautiful campsites

Pitching your tent (or parking your RV) by a lake, near a river or in a quite exceptional location is much easier during the fall season due to the drop in traffic. Among the Sépaq destinations that are worth the detour and where you can stay until October 12, let’s mention the Parc national du Mont-Orford, where prime locations are offered in the Lac Stukely sector, and where the you can enjoy new mountain bike trails. It is also possible to camp in all sectors of Parc national d’Oka, where you can take advantage of the many hiking and biking trails – not to mention the walks on the beach. In Jacques-Cartier National Park, also famous for its hiking trails, you can spend the night in the splendid woods of Les Alluvions, La Bétulaie or L’Escarpement campgrounds. Fancy a family getaway? Camping des Voltigeurs, near Drummondville, welcomes young and old until Thanksgiving in several camping areas. The Promenade Riva is particularly beautiful there in autumn.

5. Warm ready-to-camp

Notice to those who value their little comfort: in several national parks and Sépaq territories, there are fully equipped ready-to-camp units, equipped with auxiliary heating. They have a nearby toilet block, a fire pit, picnic tables and outdoor chairs. In short, everything to enjoy nature without complicating your life! Note: Parc national d’Oka offers units adapted for people with reduced mobility.

6. Wildlife at its best

Autumn is the season of choice for admiring or photographing – from a distance, without disturbing them – the animals that inhabit our territories. Starting with the majestic moose and the always impressive white-tailed deer, which are more shy and less visible during the summer season. This is also the perfect time for observing marine mammals, starting with whales, which frequent the waters of the St. Lawrence until October, as well as migrating birds of prey.

7. Holy Peace

In the end, there’s nothing like exploring Sépaq’s territories out of season. After the frenzy of summer, calm has returned to campsites, lakes and hiking trails. Noises are attenuated, plant odors are heightened, we become one with nature and we can simply enjoy the present time. Without a single mosquito!

A few tips for camping in the fall

Backed by the commitment of its team, Sépaq enhances the territories and public assets entrusted to it and ensures their sustainability for the benefit of its clientele, the regions of Québec and future generations. It connects people to nature.

This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team had no role in the production of this content.

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