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Today, it is no longer uncommon to buy a car part from scrapyards. Some have also specialized in recycling and offer all spare parts at discounted prices.
One might think that they are no longer worth anything, but dozens of totally out of order vehicles are a goldmine for Vincent Rebichon, responsible for a breakage. “They will be upgraded both by the material and by the re-use part”he explains. The site recovers on average about twenty spare parts on each car to put them back on sale, such as the rear view mirror or the optics.
The equipment is guaranteed for one year
In a brand new factory, 4,000 vehicles will be boned each year. Since the law obliges mechanics to offer used parts in their quotes, the sector is booming. Even parts that can be resold as is have value. For customers, second-hand parts are above all synonymous with knock-down prices. The equipment is guaranteed for one year.