The Hauts-de-Seine MP insists on the benefits that the presence of their pets would have on the physical and mental health of residents in nursing homes.
Reading time: 1 min

“It’s a health issue”said Friday March 1 on franceinfo Philippe Juvin, LR deputy for Hauts-de-Seine and author of the amendment authorizing pets in nursing homes.
There are two reasons for this amendment, explains the elected official: “The first is that when you enter a nursing home, whether we like it or not, it’s a break in your daily life. And I don’t want us to add a second to this first break, when it’s necessary abandon your cat or dog. The second reason, “Having a cat or a dog is good for physical health because it helps you walk, and then it’s good for mental health”because “it’s a company”he continues, recalling that he is a doctor.
Concerning the implementation of this measure, either the resident in the nursing home is capable of taking care of it himself, a scenario which concerns “one in two residents”, affirms Philippe Juvin, either he is not capable of it, and in this case “we will find organizational solutions”he assures, imagining that a relative or a home helper will then be able to come regularly to the nursing home to take care of the animal.
Philippe Juvin insists: you must be able to keep your pet “rather be the rule, and from time to time this is not possible, but let it be the exception”he concludes.