Author of “How to murder her husband”, she admits in spite of herself the murder of her own husband

Nancy Crampton Brophy, 71-year-old American novelist and author of “How to Murder Her Husband” is accused of murdering her own husband. A crime that she had just accidentally confessed to her fellow prisoner, Andrea Jacobs. According to the latest information from the police, the writer would have killed Daniel Brophy in order to pocket $ 1.5 million in life insurance. ” She planned and organized what she thought was the perfect crime. A murder that she thought would allow her to get out of her financial despair and start a safe and adventurous life. the Multnomah County prosecutor reportedly said in 2020, according to the Daily Beast.

“Financial problems, infidelity”

The suspicions of a premeditated murder weigh today on Nancy Crampton Brophy who, during her career, had, on numerous occasions, used this scenario. In her short story entitled “The Bad Husband”, she told how a woman stages her own death in order to escape the clutches of an abusive husband. Also, in “How to Murder Her Husband”, she gave several tips for killing a spouse in a fictional setting. ” Financial problems, infidelity, he fell in love with someone else, he abuses you, or even, it’s your job “, she wrote. ” As a writer of romantic thrillers, I take a lot of time to think about a murder, its consequences, the police procedures. After all, if murder is supposed to set me free, I certainly don’t want to spend time in jail. And let me make it clear, I don’t like jumpsuits and orange isn’t my color “.

Only here, fiction seems to have taken precedence over reality since in 2018, the companion of Nancy Crampton Brophy is actually murdered. ” Dan Brophy was content with his simple life, but Nancy Brophy wanted more. When she was in great financial difficulty and her writing career was struggling, she was left with few options. “, would have explained in particular the prosecutor. If the novelist denies the facts, the testimony of her fellow prisoner should change the situation.


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