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Invited to the 11 p.m. set of Franceinfo on Tuesday April 12, Barbara Lefebvre, author of the book “2022, The French have chosen!”, published by Plon, insists on the attachment of the French to the welfare state.
Barbara Lefebvre, author of the book 2022, The French have chosen!, published by Plon editions, was invited to the 11 p.m. set of Franceinfo on Tuesday April 12. She claims to have found that through her survey, the French would be favorable to the welfare state but “whatever the cost, I do not believe that the French have such a positive judgment”. She evokes a “more than 35% increase in bankruptcies of very small businesses” in the first quarter of 2022. “And in particular small businesses which could not be helped by the famous whatever the cost which we were told had sprayed everyone. In reality he did not spray everyone and he left die a number of businesses”she complains.
The author explains that the French are very attached to their welfare state because they are “precisely attached to this social model which is a truly redistributive model”. “They are attached to the welfare state, they are attached to a strong state but to a state that is conscientious in the way it spends public money and in particular on school, on health, on more police officers”analyzes Barbara Lefebvre.