Authenticity attracts the electorate | The duty

In a superficial political world where today’s truth will be refuted tomorrow depending on the mood of the latest respondents, it is refreshing to see that we still find public figures who have inalienable convictions.

Each of the political groups brings together them. With her determination to defend those left behind in education, Marwah Rizqy is surely one of them. Manon Massé, Christian Dubé and Pascal Bérubé could advantageously be added, the first for the diligence she demonstrates in defending marginalized people, the second for her tenacity in wanting to reform the health system and the last for her loyalty to the independence cause. This list is not exhaustive, but these political figures are held in high esteem by a population who appreciates their authenticity.

Similarly, we will increasingly have to take into account the presence of Paul St-Pierre Plamondon (PSPP), who risks becoming a model to follow in this direction. Indeed, is he not in the process of infusing new paradigms into the political contest? Through his constructive remarks based on observable facts, he brings credibility to the National Assembly, credibility which has been lost in recent decades.

In this regard, it is interesting to compare the behavior of elected officials of yesterday and today during the question period. In a report on former Quebec Finance Ministers, we hear Jacques Parizeau respond seriously to a question from the opposition without playing petty politics, far from show media that this exercise has become nowadays.

It is to the return of this democratic decorum that PSPP invites us by putting forward its proposal on the future of Quebec, and this, in an authentic approach which increasingly pleases the electorate.

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