Authentic chicken pot Chez Lazare since 1874

Christophe Castagnet is the great great grandson of Lazare, a catering professional who reopened the family home in January 2020. At Lazare only one dish! Authentic chicken in a pot, served on a large platter and not on a plate. The tureen sits in the middle of each table for the chicken broth with vermicelli to start.

Chez Lazare’s chicken is prepared with fresh products all located within 15 kms of the inn. This is why it is ESSENTIAL to book.

Christophe Catasgnet tells us about a dish from his grandmother, duck with beans, which could be offered in the near future… In the meantime, Chez Lazare’s hen in the pot is not to be missed for 30 euros:

  • Chicken broth with vermicelli
  • Stuffed pot hen
  • King’s vegetables (stuffed cabbage, carrots, rice, leeks, turnips, celery)
  • Tomato and supreme sauces
  • Crêpes flambéed with Grand Marnier and coffee!

It is imperative to reserve a hen on the pot on Tuesday in the rules of the art cannot be improvised, you have to order from the producers, so you have to plan ahead.

So you come on Friday evening, Saturday evening or Sunday noon?

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