Austrians divided over re-containment of the unvaccinated


France 3

Article written by

C. Vérove, L. Desbonnets, B. Boussouar, M. Werth, S. Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

Austria has decided to reconfine the unvaccinated, Monday, November 15. The measure creates controversy and divides in the country.

Faced with the active resumption of the epidemic of Covid-19, Austria has decided to reconfine, from Monday, November 15, only people who have not received any dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. A radical decision which causes a stir throughout Europe.

As for the Austrians, the inhabitants are also divided. Some think it’s a good idea, others are shocked.This is unfortunately necessary, there are no other solutions. We’ve been fighting this for over a year and a half virus“, entrusts a passerby. “Me it makes me sad, I have friends who will not be able to go to the Christmas market“, regrets on the other hand a man. In Austria, alone 65% of the population is vaccinated. Faced with the resumption of Covid-19, the government could consider other measures, such as a curfew for the entire population.

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