Austrians divided on compulsory vaccination




Article written by

L. Desbonnets, P.Montels, M.Werth – France 2

France Televisions

Demonstrations were held in Austria on Saturday, November 20 to oppose the vaccination against Covid-19 which has become mandatory in the country.

In Vienna, the capital of Austria, tens of thousands of demonstrators tried to paralyze the entire historic center of the city. At the call of the far right, they protested against the new confinement introduced and especially the decision to make vaccination against Covid-19 compulsory for all. “It’s the horror what happens with us the unvaccinated. We are chased, pursued, put out. It’s a disaster.”, denounces a demonstrator.

In principle, people not vaccinated against the virus have been confined since last Monday, but the right to protest is an exception. For its part, the police call to order those who do not wear a mask and remove the most extreme signs. In other parts of the city, some Austrians are lining up to get vaccinated. The largest vaccination center in Vienna had not seen such attendance for several months. From February 1, those who will not be vaccinated against Covid-19, “the fines can go up to 3,600 euros”, reports the journalist of France Televisions Laurent Desbonnets, in duplex of the Austrian capital.

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