Australia cancels Novak Djokovic visa

Australia on Thursday canceled the visa of tennis player Novak Djokovic who arrived at Melbourne airport without the necessary documents to enter the country, Australian customs said.

The world number 1 in tennis, whose vaccination status is unknown, had obtained a dispensation to be able to travel to Melbourne to play the first Grand Slam tournament of the year. “Foreign nationals who do not have a valid visa or whose visa has been canceled will be detained and deported from Australia,” Customs said.

“Mr. Djokovic did not provide the appropriate information to enter Australia and his visa was therefore canceled. Foreign nationals who do not have a valid visa or whose visa has been canceled will be detained and deported from Australia, ”Customs said.

According to the Australian press, the nine-time winner of the Australian Open would not have filled out the correct form to apply for a visa and the visa he requested does not authorize a medical exemption.

Djokovic, silent on his vaccination status, has been in the crosshairs of the Australian political class since he announced that he had obtained a medical exemption to participate in the Australian Open.

“There will be no special rule for Novak Djokovic. Not the least, ”Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison thundered at a press conference on Wednesday.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accused Australia of “bad treatment” of the tennis player. Claiming to have spoken to the world’s number 1 tennis player on the phone, the head of state said on Instagram that “all of Serbia was with it. [Djokovic] “And that” the authorities were taking all necessary measures to put an end to the ill-treatment of the best tennis player in the world as soon as possible “.

Further details will follow.

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