Aurore (Pékin Express) pregnant: illness that makes her live through hell, hospitalizations … she confides (EXCLUDED)

After seven years of fighting (PMA), Aurore and Jonathan announced happy news at the end of June. The two candidates of Beijing Express 2021 revealed that they were to become parents for the first time. After confiding in their battle with Purepeople, the beautiful 40-year-old blonde returned to the illness that has been making her life hard since her fifth week of pregnancy. She also shared clues about their baby’s name and spoke of her husband’s unwavering support.

How is your pregnancy going?

The IVF protocol was complicated for the first time in my life. I had always experienced injections, patches etc. well, but this time I experienced it very badly. I was very tired and had a lot of pain in my lower abdomen. And after the announcement of the result I was super well, in good shape. And I don’t know why, in the 5th week, it deteriorated overnight. It was hell for a month and a half. I was quickly diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum. I have a perfect doctor who knows this disease well and was able to react quickly. He hospitalized me at home for three weeks to avoid being isolated in the hospital. I had treatment for rehydration. I couldn’t eat for three weeks, nothing happened, I couldn’t drink water. I stayed in the dark, without a phone. As soon as Jonathan came home, I couldn’t stand the smell of his perfume. I couldn’t speak, we communicated by post-it. It was complicated, really. When I talk about hell, that’s really it. It is absolutely necessary that we talk about this disease which creates a feeling of isolation, while we are supposed to live the most beautiful adventure of our life.

What are the consequences ?

Isolation and also the inability to work. I’ve been off for two months. It’s very guilt-inducing not to work when I’ve worked all my life. Weight loss too. I lost 7 kilos in two weeks. There are also headaches and dizziness. In addition, what was even more complicated is that the pregnancy had not been announced to anyone. So no one understood what was going on. I also made a lot of round trips to the hospital because sometimes, despite being hospitalized at home, my condition required me to go to the emergency room in a hurry. Afterwards, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and given treatment for hyperemesis. A treatment that today costs me 40th every ten days because it is not reimbursed by social security. I am lucky to have the means to treat myself, but this is not the case for everyone. It makes me a little angry. It is not a comfort drug. Today, if I don’t take it, I lie down and vomit 20 to 30 times a day.

What is this treatment?

I have 4 tablets a day to take, in addition to ginger tablets which are comfort for the moment, to avoid nausea and vomiting. I’m really vomiting and I want to make it clear that it’s completely different from what you might call morning sickness of pregnancy.

Does vomiting continue despite treatment?

Yes, despite the treatment, it’s a bit complicated today. I saw my doctor again and I need to take more Gaviscon. By dint of vomiting, your esophagus is on fire so you can’t stand anything anymore. I’m trying to stick with it for now.

Does this disease last throughout the pregnancy?

It can stop earlier. Some women are happy to be released after three months. It’s not my case yet so I’m waiting for my day. I hope it will happen before the birth.

How do you deal with the fact that your body is changing?

For the moment, my body has mainly suffered from the loss of the 7 kilos so I don’t see it changing too much. I still fit into my jeans, even though I feel it’s starting to tighten. I don’t see the body changing yet. Jonathan tells me that’s the case but maybe I’m still medicalizing things and maybe I’m having a hard time letting go. I hope one day to have a huge belly. But not too much because afterwards, you have to lose weight and that too scares me. I have a super athletic and very muscular husband, so I try to maintain myself for me, for him, to be in good health. So I’m kind of apprehensive about all of that. And at the same time, I can’t wait to feel the baby’s first strokes and the first sensations. So I can’t wait to change it up a bit.

Does Jonathan reassure you?

It is the pearl of husbands. He is on top of everything. He ensures at home, he manages all my food cravings. And concerning my body, he tells me that anyway he will take me in hand afterwards. Maybe what I dread the most is the aftermath with Jonathan (laughs).

Do you know the sex of the baby?

We will know in a few days, if the little shrimp is decided to show it to us. I think we will announce it, but not immediately. We won’t have a big party for that. I am so superstitious that I will have a big party as we can see when I have it in my arms.

Do you have any name ideas?

We have a few ideas. The advantage of PMA allows us to predict many things, including first names. We’re going to keep it a secret but we want to have a first name that’s not very long and full of meaning for us. Everyone tells us that we will call her Victoire or Désirée. We can already tell you that it won’t be either of the two (laughs).

Does childbirth scare you?

At the moment I don’t think about it. I’m thinking especially of ultrasounds. It doesn’t scare me. But I know that I will not give birth like my grandmother in suffering and pain. I’ve already suffered the first three months, so if I’m offered the epidural now, I’d be this close to taking it. I’m a little worried that Jonathan is feeling unwell. When we are followed in the hospital, it worries him. So I tell myself that it might be more difficult for him than for me (laughs). I’ll plan some sweet treats for him just in case.

How does the future dad experience your pregnancy?

He learns a lot. For the past few weeks, I have caught him looking at children’s room sites or clothing sites. He tells me we need to look for a nanny. He is completely invested in his role.

Do you plan to reveal your baby’s face after birth?

I think we will save it. Maybe show his body, but his face we will keep it for us. We’re going to be selfish on this one.

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