Aurore Bergé says she is open to “compromises” with the opposition, but “not at any price”

The deputies examine this bill of “emergency measures for the purchasing power” from Monday in committee.

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“It won’t be the ‘whatever it takes!’Interviewed on Sunday July 10 in the Sunday newspaperthe leader of the LREM deputies, Aurore Bergé, said she was open to “compromise” with the opposition on the purchasing power bill, but “not at any price”.

In an Assembly without an absolute majority for the Macronists, “yes, we need to have an absolute and permanent search for compromise. But we won’t do it at any price”underlines the president of the LREM group, now called Renaissance. “If it’s 35 billion in additional spending to freeze the price of gasoline, it would be absolute irresponsibility”she believes.

After Bruno Le Maire the day before, the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal in turn mentioned Saturday in The Parisian avenues for negotiation to complete this bill, for example on the “tax exemption for overtime”likely to please LR.

The deputies examine this bill of “emergency measures for the purchasing power” from Monday in committee. He is expected in the hemicycle the following Monday, July 18.

Among the main measures of this text are the early revaluations of 4% of retirement pensions and social benefits, the 3.5% increase in the salary of public officials, a food check of 100 euros, to which it will be necessary to add 50 euros per child.

There is also the extension of the fuel discount from 15 to 18 cents and the tariff shield on energy, the abolition of the fee or the tripling of the Macron bonus (exceptional purchasing power bonus, tax-exempt and desocialized) .

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