Aurore and Jonathan (Pékin Express) devastated by the death of a loved one: “It’s so difficult”

Dawn and jonathan don’t have the heart to celebrate. Wednesday March 31, 2022, the couple revealed to the general public in Beijing Express 2021 (M6) revealed on Instagram that he had to deal with the death of a loved one.

The former candidates of the adventure show do not yet have the chance to be parents. But their dog Biscotte was like their daughter. Viewers had the opportunity to see her in their portrayal of Beijing Express or on social media. Even during their adventure, they gave him a wink by wearing a t-shirt on which was printed a photo of their faithful four-legged companion. “Team of 62. Jonathan, Aurore and Bibi” was it written above. But Aurore and Jonathan will have to resolve to live without her.

Wednesday March 30, Jonathan took to his Instagram account at the end of the day, not failing to mention his wife, to announce that Biscotte was dead. “With Aurore, we have always formed a trio because Biscotte was always there… Today she left to join the angels in dog heaven. You all know how much she meant to us!!! The pain of no longer knowing her with us is so difficult. Thank you all, sincerely, for the many messages sent in recent weeks for her [elle avait des soucis de santé, NDLR]. You will easily understand our future absence from the networks. This post, I owed it to you, you who followed his adventures. RIP my BIBI. Your best friend who loves you“, can we read.

To illustrate his remarks, Jonathan posted a photo on which Aurore and him wear the famous t-shirt with their late dog. Then came two pictures of Biscotte that he posted online.

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