Aurélien Tchouaméni will play for Real Madrid next season

Real Madrid formalized the arrival of Aurélien Tchouaméni in its workforce this Saturday. The 22-year-old international midfielder was trained with the Girondins of Bordeaux where he played until 2020 before being transferred to Monaco for 20 million euros. Coveted by PSG and Liverpool in this transfer window, it is finally in Madrid that the player will evolve from next season. The Monegasque club let him leave for 80 million euros according to AFP. Aurélien Tchouaméni has yet to pass his medical examination and sign his contract. It should be presented Tuesday at 12 p.m. at the Madrid club.

The Girondins de Bordeaux, as a training club, must receive a percentage on the capital gain made by Monaco, in the sale. This will allow him to pay off part of his debts.

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