Aurélien Rousseau, former Minister of Health under Elisabeth Borne, will represent the New Popular Front in Yvelines

He left the government in December after the vote on the immigration law. He had also been the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, notably during the highly contested pension reform.


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Aurélien Rousseau, then Minister of Health under Elisabeth Borne, leaves the Council of Ministers at the Elysée, December 12, 2023. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

A resounding and surprising take for the New Popular Front. Former Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau will represent the left-wing coalition during the legislative elections in Yvelines, Place publique, the party of Raphaël Glucksmann, announced on Friday June 14, confirming information from The Express.

Aurélien Rousseau slammed the door of the government in December after the vote on the immigration law. “I see clinically that it is not possible for me to explain this text”he had justified to the World.

Former director of the Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency during the Covid-19 crisis, Aurélien Rousseau had also been the chief of staff of Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, notably during the highly contested pension reform.

Her rallying provoked numerous reactions Friday night. “It shows all its coherence”quipped Emmanuel Macron after the announcement of this rally, on the sidelines of the G7 in Bari (Italy).

IL “will have to explain why the pension reform that he meticulously negotiated must be abolished”reacted in particular the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

Conversely, the environmentalist deputy Sandrine Rousseau rejoiced of this prize of war: “The same one, the only one, who left the government because of the Immigration law.”

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