For Aurélien Pradié, MP for Lot, it is necessary “for different women and men to sit around the table” in order to “rebuild a national pact”.
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On Wednesday July 17, Lot MP Aurélien Pradié called on franceinfo to form a “cohabitation government”inspired by the National Council of Resistance (CNR). “It’s up to us to imagine new solutions”pleaded the re-elected MP for Lot after having slammed the door on the Republicans during the legislative campaign.
“The only solution is that once we have cleaned things up, that the Republican left has separated itself from the poison that is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, that the Republican right has done what it has done, that is to say, never switched to the side of the National Rally, he lists, “It will be necessary, as in the post-war period, for different women and men to sit around the table and, over a few years, rebuild the country.”. “We need to rebuild a national pact (…), we need to be able to bring together builders over a given period of time”he said.
“Everything we have tried is no longer working and the only solution is to think big for this country”he stressed, rejecting the “tinkering” text by text or negotiations “in the hallways”, from the Palais Bourbon. “I no longer want to think small for my country”he said before adding: “There are Gaullist souls on both the right and the left.”
“Anything that is cobbled together outside of this great cohabitation will not hold.”
Aurelien Pradiéto franceinfo
“What made the post-war reconstruction governments strong? It was because there were different women and men around the table who (…) for a defined period of time, had organized themselves to rebuild the country,” defended the elected official. According to him, “If the political class is not capable of this, it will not succeed,” pointed out the former vice-president of the Republicans.
“We must be able to tell the French, this is what we are going to do in terms of the environment, in terms of education, energy sovereignty, migratory flows, that we rebuild this country with personalities who, perhaps, a priori are different, but who have something to do together”he said.
For the MP, two conditions are necessary for the formation of this government “cohabitation” : “That the Republican left separates itself from the clutches of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and that the President of the Republic acknowledges that he can no longer exercise power alone and that we are going to enter into a cohabitation”. While the president of the Republican Right group in the National Assembly, Laurent Wauquiez, proposed a “legislative pact” without participation in the government, the troublemaker of the right Aurélien Pradié sees it “small arrangements” and not the path to the “national reconstruction” that he imagines.