Aurélie Vaneck and Anne Decis (Plus belle la vie) announce sad news and make a big decision

After 18 years of existence, the popular series More beautiful life stop. The news was made official several weeks ago and the ultimate outcome is expected next November. But before putting an end to this beautiful and long adventure, fans will be entitled to the traditional summer bonus on Tuesday July 5th. Entitled reunionthis one will be very special since it will bring together all the most emblematic alumni of the series.

Aurélie Vaneck will notably make her big comeback during this episode and will resume her emblematic role of Ninon Chaumette, which she had not played since 2014. The 39-year-old actress then had the opportunity to give the line to her friends from the fiction of France 3, including Ambroise Michel (who plays Rudy Torres) but also Anne Decis (alias Luna Torres) to whom she is very close.

The end of a cycle

The two women are even partners outside the film sets for a jewelry brand called Oma Bloom. A great collaboration that will unfortunately come to an end. “Five years ago, we put it on for the creative side. But now we spend our time doing business management. So we decided to stop at the end of the yearlong before knowing that More beautiful life also ended. A sign, perhaps, that we are coming to the end of a cycle“, explained Aurélie Vaneck.

If these projects have successively been stopped, the pretty blonde continues to have a very busy pace of life. “I’m already very busy between acting, my kinesiology practice and my children“, she underlined. Remember, that with her husband Sébastien Alquier, bassist and double bassist, they welcomed a little girl named Charlie almost six years ago. Aurélie Vaneck also has another 13-year-old daughter, named Liberté and born of his former love with Jean-François Salessy, the former adviser to swimmer Florent Manaudou).

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