Aurélie Pons sad for her first Christmas without her dad: a “difficult period”

Christmas 2021 has a special flavor for many people. The Covid-19 has further spoiled the party for some, who have tested positive or their relatives. Not to mention those who will be alone or who will spend this event in the hospital. Aurelie Pons has therefore had a special thought for them, especially since his Christmas will not be very pleasant either.

The candidate of Dance with the stars 2021 went to her grandmother, with her mother and her sisters, to spend Christmas with the family. But it will be different and painful, since it is the first time that Aurélie Pons has celebrated it without her dad. “To all those for whom the Christmas period is difficult this year … we are together“, she wrote in story, December 23. No doubt that she was able to count on the support of her subscribers after having posted this sad message.

It was on October 13 that Aurélie Pons announced the death of her dad. She had indeed posted a childhood photo on Instagram, on which she was alongside her late “Paupé”. She had also revealed one of the last messages they had exchanged. He supported her in her adventure Dance with the stars, a program he liked to follow. After her death, the actress ofHere it all begins therefore wished to continue the competition to do him honor. She also paid him a nice tribute in dance and received a standing ovation.

Aurélie Pons’ dad died on October 11 from a heart attack. “The paso-doble precisely, which I danced just after the death of my father. I put all my heart, all my energy into it. Since the tragedy, I am even more united with my mother and my sisters. They are the ones who brought me so far. Their support was essential to my progress, to my commitment “, confided the beautiful 25-year-old blonde to our colleagues from Parisian.

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