Aurélie Dotremont (Les Cinquante): New break with Dylan, with no “backtracking” possible

Difficult to follow the love life of Aurélie Dotremont. In a relationship for just over two years with Dylan Grenier, the 31-year-old Belgian announced this Sunday, September 18, 2022 that they are no longer a couple again. This rupture is not their first but the young Belgian, who has been found for several days in The Fifty broadcast on W9, ensures that this separation will be the last since it is final.

I officially announce and this time there will be no turning back my separation with Dylan, begins Aurélie Dotremont in the message that she published in her Instagram story (see the slideshow). The reality TV candidate discovered in the show Square ViiiP then seen in island of truths 2, Angels season 5 and 11 or even The Marseillais and the Ch’tis VS The rest of the world and The Princes and Princesses of Love, season 1, warns its community that it will not speak on the subject. No need to message him about it. “I’m not going to go into detailsshe continues. Thank you for respecting our choice and not sending me 134 messages, I will not answer them. So that’s it and we move on.

But I wouldn’t like to end my life with anyone but you

In the past, Aurélie Dotremont and Dylan Grenier had already separated. “When someone wants to leave, we can’t hold them back“, had commented the Belgian last February. A break which had been of very short duration since they had reconciled after a month. “Between us, it’s often all fire and flame. Sometimes, if not all the time, a lack of communication, filled with disagreements, a lot of misunderstanding, different desires and so on. But I wouldn’t like to end my life with anyone but you”, had posted Aurélie Dotremont on Instagram, a message that she has since deleted. And then they broke up again…

The candidate of Fifty really thought she had found the man of her life since she had wanted to start a family with him. Unfortunately for her, this project had been put in jeopardy because of the bulimia from which she suffers and which had prevented her from getting pregnant. Despite operations, the long-awaited happiness ultimately never came…

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