Aurélie Mahoudeau is 34 years old, is installed as an electrician in St Perdon.
To get there, she had to follow technical secondary studies CAP General Electricity at the Lycée Professionnel Jean Garnier in Morcenx. Then a BP at the CFA of Morcenx in alternation.
Aurélie is passionate, it’s a moving profession, meticulous, demanding and responsible. Meeting clients is always pleasant even if being a woman in this profession is not always well regarded.
My job consists of passing sheath or trunking, passing wires or cables. Then to the switchboard connection and the installation of sockets, inter, light point. On the other hand to install (Heating, VMC, chandeliers etc …)
– Aurélie Mahoudeau
– Aurélie Mahoudeau
Aurélie Mahoudeau, AURELEC, 07 60 43 77 81.
Find the eco column every day on France Bleu Gascogne at 7.20am.