Aung San Suu Kyi Sentenced to Four More Years in Prison

The former leader, hassigned in residence since the military coup of February 1, 2021, was notably found guilty of illegally importing walkie-talkies.

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The Burmese junta is still tightening its grip on Aung San Suu Kyi. The former head of government was sentenced, Monday, January 10, to four years in prison in one part of her trial, at the end of which she risks decades of detention. Under house arrest since the military coup of February 1, 2021, she was notably found guilty of illegally importing walkie-talkies, according to a source familiar with the matter. A junta spokesman confirmed the verdict, specifying that Aung San Suu Kyi would remain under house arrest for the duration of his trial.

The former leader had already been sentenced in December to four years in prison for violating restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, a sentence reduced to two years by the generals in power. The 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate is serving this first sentence in the place where she has been held since her arrest almost a year ago.

This new condemnation “still risks reinforcing the anger of the Burmese population”, reacted Manny Maung, researcher for the NGO Human Rights Watch. “Everyone knows that these accusations are false. (…) The military uses this tactic of fear to keep her in arbitrary detention.”

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