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Wednesday August 24 will mark the six months of war in Ukraine, it is also the anniversary of the country’s independence. Maryse Burgot is live from Kharkiv, in UkraineTuesday 23.
In Kharkov (Ukraine), the region is under curfew on the eve of August 24, the date of independence from theUkraine, which also marks the six months of war in the country. “Here, we are used to bombardments. The Americans nevertheless issue a security alert today“, relates Maryse Burgot, special correspondent in Kharkiv (Ukraine), Tuesday, August 23. They fear Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure in the hours to come.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed the same fears. “I have to say that [mercredi 24 août] is a symbolic date, the anniversary of the independence of this country, it will also be exactly six months to the day that the Russians began their invasion ofUkraine“, concludes Maryse Burgot. In Kharkiv, it is forbidden to circulate on Tuesday evening August 23, and public gatherings are prohibited in kyiv (Ukraine).