Audrey Fleurot mom: what does her 6-year-old son think of her performance in the “HPI” series?

The whole of France will rush towards the television on Thursday, May 26, 2022. The TF1 channel is finally unveiling the highly anticipated second season of the series HPI High Intellectual Potential – and Morgane Alvaro will finally live the rest of her eventful adventures. The first episodes, broadcast in April 2021, had met with great success with the public. Everyone wanted to discover this colorful character embodied by Audrey Fleurot. Everyone… even the actress’s son!

In a relationship with director Djibril Glissant, Audrey FLeurot actually gave birth to a little boy, baptized Lou, on November 19, 2015. The first season of the TF1 program? He devoured it all good! “Yes, “He looked at it and it made him laugh a lotexplains the actress in the columns of the magazine We both. He can’t wait to see the sequel and that makes me happy. The pride of participating in this series is also that of reaching an audience of such magnitude, like the Ravensburger games, from 7 to 77 years old. He is very clear with the fiction: he has understood that the children in the series are not my children, and that his mother is not HPI!

If there is one character trait that she shares with Morgane Alvaro, it is undoubtedly that of mother hen. In HPI, Audrey Fleurot plays a somewhat overwhelmed mother of three, endowed with extraordinary powers of observation and reflection which propel her into the ranks of the DIPJ of the city of Lille. The organization is not much simpler with the actress, who shares her life with a director… who works precisely on the episodes of HPI !”It was great, if only because we saw each othershe admits. It was great. I hope he will want to do it again, even if he participates in the writing of the series the rest of the time. It’s just that being both away from home at the same time complicates organization for the kids..”

Find the full interview with Audrey Fleurot in the magazine Nous Deux, n°3908, of May 24, 2022.

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