Audrey Fleurot and her looks in HPI: she reveals how she finds her “pearls”

HPI, Here we go again ! After a first season acclaimed by critics and adored by the public, Morgane Alvaro, the crazy heroine of the program played by Audrey Fleurot, is back on TF1. This Thursday, May 12, TF1 broadcast the first episodes of this new salvo long awaited by viewers. In terms of promotion, the actress and her acting partners, including Mehdi Nebbou, have given everything. Audrey Fleurot even went all the way by taking over the set of Daily that same day, a few minutes before the launch of the new season. The opportunity for her to reveal a little more about the shootings and to reveal one of her secrets.

Playing Morgane Alvaro is not easy. But Audrey Fleurot did not hesitate for a second to continue the colorful adventure, like her character’s wardrobe. And precisely, costume level, it gets stuck sometimes. Morgane Alvaro’s inimitable style is much more refined than it seems, but above all it is difficult to find! At least that’s what the 44-year-old actress told Yann Barthès.

If it is the designer of the costumes Nadia Chmilevsky who manages this kind of problem, Audrey Fleurot also participates in the search for the different looks of the series. And contrary to what one might think, she does not run to the Parisian boutiques to dig up nuggets, far from it. Audrey Fleurot is like a large majority of French people now: she signed up on Vinted !

Beyond the low prices, it is also much easier to dress Morgane on the platform: “I’m on Vinted because that’s the only place to find ‘morganic’ stuff. The problem when you do the preparation is that it’s late, just before shooting and it’s very difficult to find the genre in ordinary shops. [de vêtements qu’elle met]. On set, there is a lot of time when you do nothing. (…) So I started looking on Vinted for stuff and I found some great stuff, it really amused me. The idea being that it’s always within Morgane’s budget. And we find pearls.“A practical tip for which we take our hat off to him.

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