Audrey Crespo-Mara far from her son Sékou: a complicated separation for the journalist…

It’s always difficult to see your child leave the family cocoon, but for Audrey Crespo Mara the pill is having a little trouble taking it, especially since her son has moved far away from her. Thierry Ardisson’s wife is the mother of a big boy, Sekou, which she had from a previous union with entrepreneur Aliou Mara, and who happens to be an excellent footballer. Player of the Girondins de Bordeaux, his club has been facing serious financial difficulties lately and the future of the 20-year-old has long been subject to many rumours. Eventually, he was transferred to Southampton FC, an English club, for the sum of 11 million euros.

A transfer which means that Audrey Crespo-Mara will now find herself far from her young son and obviously the 46-year-old journalist is not really ready for that. Guest of the show The summer clubpresented by Thomas Isles on Europe 1, the presenter of the JT of TF1 evoked this remoteness, which does not date from yesterday. “He is involved in football from a very young age so I saw him go far away, already very young”, she told her interlocutor. Despite everything, she always tries to see the good side of things in the new adventure that her son is about to experience: “I have already spotted the path, it is not much further than Bordeaux”she assures.

It is a sacrifice made by the child himself and by the parents who accompany him.

Very close to Sékou, whom she does not hesitate to go see, especially when he comes to play in Paris, the pretty blonde is nonetheless affected by the distance she had to put between herself and her son. “I am a mother hen so it was complicated”she confides, especially since she saw him leave at only 10 years old in the youth teams of Paris Saint-Germain: “It is a sacrifice made by the child himself and by the parents who accompany him.” Accustomed to seeing her son less because of her promising career, Audrey Crespo-Mara had to make up her mind very early on. “At 13, he went to Clairefontaine so I only saw him on weekends”she says.

A new start for Sékou Mara, on the other side of the Channel, but one thing is certain, his mother will always be there to support him!

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