Audrey Cordon Ragot, a Breton champion at the women’s Tour de France in July

His record includes first places in the French Cup, in Tours de Bretagne. Shines at the European Championships, a Stage victory in the Tour of Italy, at the forefront of Paris Roubaix and countless breakaways in the biggest races. Finally, the Tour de France is aptly named.

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2022, the Women’s Tour de France, it is finally its official name, will take around fifteen Breton women on the roads from 24/7, just after the men’s Tour de France.

Audrey Cordon-Ragot in training
Audrey Cordon-Ragot

Radio France extends its partnership with the Men’s Tour de France and will now follow the Women’s Tour de France until 2024. You will follow the two Tours de France live in July on France Bleu.

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