attendance is on the rise again but remains less than half of 2019

In 2019, Toulouse-Blagnac airport peaked at 9.6 million annual passengers. Covid-19 got the better of the 10 million target. In 2020, there are a little more than 3 million passengers who passed through the gates of the airport. And in all likelihood, the 2021 numbers will not be much higher. In the first quarter, attendance was 19% of that of 2019 at the same time. In the second quarter, we were at 22%. “The summer brought us a recovery in traffic with an attendance of 55% compared to 2019. The start of the year was weak but our passengers are gradually resuming their habits. It is a phase of recovery”, explains Bruno Balerdi Director of Sales, Customers and Communication at the airport.

Return to normal expected in 2025

Almost all of the terminal shops have reopened, except for a catering point. At least two have closed their doors permanently because of the covid-19 crisis. The airport hopes that the growth seen since the summer will be maintained: “we remain cautious, concedes Bruno Balerdi. The epidemic is still there and everything will depend on the health measures put in place. President Macron’s announcements on the booster dose and the health pass also require us to be vigilant in our forecasts. “

It will take several years before returning to pre-covid attendance levels, “probably by 2025” details Bruno Balerdi. In the meantime, Toulouse-Blagnac airport hopes for Christmas and New Year full with 57 destinations on the program including 42 abroad. “There are still some places, reassures Bruno Balerdi. But we must hurry. The first feedback from the airlines for the December and holiday period is encouraging. “

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