Attempts to cross the Channel by migrants up sharply in the first half

These crossings by sea are a regular source of tension between Paris and London.

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Attempts to cross the Channel illegally by migrants wanting to reach England exploded in the first half of 2022, after an already record year 2021, revealed on Monday June 20, the Ministry of the Interior, against a backdrop of hardening of the migration policy on the British side. Between January 1 and June 13, 2022, “777 crossing events and attempted crossings in small boats involving 20,132 candidates have been identified”or 68% compared to the same period in 2021, according to Place Beauvau.

In 2021, these crossing attempts, generally by inflatable boats, departing from the northern coast between Calais and Dunkirk, had reached a “record”. 52,000 people have attempted it and 28,000 migrants have succeeded, according to ministerial data communicated in January. “It should be noted that the rate of defeats is constantly rising with 61.39% of sea crossings prevented by the French internal security forces (+4.2 points compared to the 2021 rate) and 10,090 individuals ( +65%) arrested since the beginning of the year”said Monday the Ministry of the Interior.

These sea crossings have become a regular source of tension between Paris and London, especially since Brexit. They peaked at the end of 2021 after the death in November of at least 27 people in the sinking of their boat in the Channel, which had sparked a skirmish between the French and British authorities over the control of this border.

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