Attempted murder in Sainte-Foy: real commotion in the neighborhood

Residents of the area where a man was targeted by projectiles Monday evening, in Quebec, are struggling to understand what could have happened and fear for their safety, while the shooter is still at large.

• Read also: [PHOTOS] A young man shot and wounded in Sainte-Foy

“At first I thought they were firecrackers. I quickly understood the gravity of the situation when I saw the paramedics trying to save the victim, ”says Maxime Bérubé, whose apartment window overlooks the crime scene.

The attempted murder occurred shortly after 9:30 p.m., in the parking lot of an apartment building located near the intersection of rue de la Verdure and rue Flore-Duquet, in Sainte-Foy.

Traces of blood and broken glass were still visible on the ground, Tuesday morning, at the location of the attempted murder that occurred the day before at the corner of rue de la Verdure and rue Flore-Duquet.

Jeremy Bernier

According to the various testimonies collected by The newspaper, between three and five projectiles would have been fired. Shards of glass and blood still littered the floor Tuesday morning.

“I told my girlfriend to get down on the floor because I knew straight away what it was about. We don’t understand, it’s a quiet and family neighborhood here, ”said Nicolas Moreau, a former soldier who believes he was the first to have contacted the authorities.

A victim in critical condition

The Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) indicates that the victim was alone in his parked vehicle when the tragedy occurred. He is a 26-year-old man known to the police community.

“Hit by several projectiles, the victim was transferred to the hospital center. She is currently in stable condition, but we still fear for her life,” said Sandra Dion, spokesperson for the SPVQ.

Nicolas Moreau is one of the first to contact the authorities after hearing gunshots near his Sainte-Foy apartment on Monday evening, July 24, 2023.

Jeremy Bernier

The Quebec police force specifies that this is the first person to be injured by gunshot on its territory since the beginning of the year.

A large perimeter was erected in the area to allow investigators, the forensic identification service and the dog handler to analyze the scene.

The shooter is still running

A command post will be held at the corner of Flore-Duquet and de la Verdure streets throughout the day to meet potential witnesses to the attempted murder.

The SPVQ points out that no suspect has yet been arrested in this case.

Nicolas Moreau is one of the first to contact the authorities after hearing gunshots near his Sainte-Foy apartment on Monday evening, July 24, 2023.

The 26-year-old man who was the victim of the attempted murder remains in critical condition.

QMI Agency / Guy Martel

“Of course it is stressful to know that the shooter is still running. Let’s say that I’m going to avoid taking a walk in the evening for a good while, ”says Arianne Bilodeau.

“It happened directly in front of us, it’s scary! I have two young children, an event of the same, it worries me for their safety, ”deplores Maxime Bérubé for his part.

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