Attempted murder in Saint-Léonard | The victim succumbs to his injuries

A 39-year-old man died after being shot and wounded Monday night in the Saint-Léonard area. Person error, possible conflict: the SPVM ignores the circumstances surrounding this 37e murder to occur this year in the metropolis.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah

Shortly before 9:40 p.m., the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) was notified of gunfire in Saint-Léonard, at the corner of rue Jean-Talon and boulevard de l’Assomption.

There, officers found a man with injured upper body. Kevin Batebi, 39, was still conscious when he was taken to hospital. He has no criminal record and is not known to the police. The police force confirmed his death Tuesday morning.

There are no arrests in this homicide case, the 37e to occur in Montreal this year. It is also the third murder in five days on the territory of the SPVM.

“The origin of the murder is still unknown. It could be an error on the person, a possible conflict; all the assumptions are still on the table ”, indicates the agent Manuel Couture, spokesperson.

Investigators have not yet determined whether Kevin Batebi was indeed the person targeted by the bullets.

One or more suspects would have left the scene before the arrival of the police, said the police force. Investigators will meet with witnesses to shed light on this matter. They will also try to verify whether cameras have captured images of the murder.

With the collaboration of Daniel Renaud, Press

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