Attempted murder in Montreal North | 17-year-old boy targeted by bullets

A teenager received several bullets in the night from Monday to Tuesday while he was in the borough of Montreal-North. A conflict whose circumstances are still unknown would be at the origin of this new episode of violence by firearm.

Posted at 6:23 a.m.
Updated at 8:48 a.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

The victim, located by the police shortly after midnight, received at least two projectiles. The young man was on avenue Matte, near rue Pascal, when he received a projectile in the leg and another in the upper body.

The teenager was conscious during the police intervention and there is no fear for his life.

“The whole thing would be related to a conflict whose circumstances we do not know,” explains agent Caroline Chèvrefils, spokesperson for the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).

Bullet holes were found on a vehicle parked not far from the injured. The scene was protected by investigators and witnesses have already been met.

Earlier this month, a 24-year-old man was targeted by projectiles on Pascal Street. A week later, the driver of a vehicle opened fire in the direction of a group of young people gathered at the intersection of boulevard Rolland and rue Pascal, in the same area.

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