Attempted assassination by identity theft: an “imposter” requests medical assistance to die in his place

A French patient suffering from serious cancer was taken aback when he recently discovered that medical assistance in dying had been granted to him in Switzerland… even though he had never requested it.

“It appears that a doctor has issued a certificate […] of good mental health with a view to euthanasia in Switzerland”, at the request of an “imposter”, reported Me Patrick Uzan, the patient’s lawyer, according to what “France Live” reported on Tuesday.

On September 19, a man, whose identity is still unknown, appeared before a psychiatrist in Lons-le-Saunier, in eastern France, to make a request for medical assistance in dying in Switzerland. , by posing as the French cancer patient hospitalized in the same city.

Except that according to the psychiatrist, the man who made the request for euthanasia “was not the same” as the one he met subsequently at the hospital, according to what the lawyer clarified. French media.

For Me Patrick Uzan, this is clearly a rare “assassination attempt by identity theft”, while his client would have insisted that he had never made such a request, despite the severity of his illness.

A complaint has been filed with the police, and the family hopes that they will be able to shed light on the events, in order to know the motivations of the man who allegedly usurped the patient’s identity, according to “France Live”.

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