attacked, threatened with a gun and sequestered at his home, he files a complaint against the influencer Poupette

War is declared between Aqababe and Poupette. This Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the famous blogger would have, according to Le Parisien, filed two complaints one against X and one against the influencer Poupette Kenza, after being attacked by several men at his home Tuesday morning, in the Paris region. The young man revealed that three individuals rang his doorbell this Tuesday morning around 10:45 a.m. When he opened it, he came face to face with three men in black, aged around twenty, their faces being hidden by neck warmers and their hands by gloves.

Immediately, one of them took a box cutter out of his pocket before shouting at him: “Aqababe, what’s it like to talk about Poupette Kenza?”. Aqababe, whose real name is Aniss Zitouni, tells the rest: “Immediately, he hit me in the head with the butt of the gun. He constantly pointed his gun with the barrel in my direction and said to me three times: Shut up, shut up, shut up Shut up. Following the blow, I was stunned, I couldn’t see anymore, I had a blackout for about 30 seconds.” he remembers.

One of the attackers then allegedly seized the influencer’s phone which automatically triggered a call to the emergency room. A few moments later, while the blogger took refuge inside his home, the individuals fled. If Aqababe shared a press release from his lawyer, in which he announced that he had filed a complaint, he blamed the influencer Poupette, whose real name is Kenza Benchrif.

Between them, a discord appeared a few days earlier when Aqababe criticized the behavior of the young mother of a girl who, while her son was about to be hospitalized, would have preferred to carry out product placements on Snapchat. This criticism would have led to a breach of contract between a brand and the influencer… which would then have made her furious. In the following hours, the young woman would then have threatened Aqababe with reprisals for having dared to interfere in her life as an influencer and mother. Aniss Zitouni therefore remains convinced that Kenza Benchrif would be behind his attack at his home.


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