attacked in court, Lucie Lucas speaks out to calm things down

War is declared between Lucie Lucas and Victoria Abril. On December 26, 2023, upon discovering that the famous Spanish actress has decided to support Gérard Depardieu who is in turmoil, the star of the series Clemmade surprising revelations on Instagram.

“OK… so I’ve been an actress for 15 years and I protect a good part of these degenerate boomers by not saying in interviews all the harm they do to others on a film set… […] How many unacceptable behaviors have I committed? Hey Victoria… do you want us to talk about your numerous attacks, including sexual assaults, against your partners? Come to think of it, I’m not surprised that you signed this rag… you’re freaking out too and when you think about it, you’re right.” wrote Lucie Lucas, accusing Victoria Abril of having committed sexual assault. Determined to bring the truth to light, the pretty 37-year-old brunette then assured that she had witnessed the worst.

Furious, Victoria Abril who played her mother in the series Clem responded by announcing to file a complaint against her. “The accusations made are serious. We are therefore going to file a defamation complaint in order to be able to explain ourselves in court” said his lawyer, Mr. Stéphan Zitzermann.

Lucie Lucas speaks to calm things down
This Friday, December 29, 2023, Lucie Lucas once again spoke to ease tensions: “I don’t want to live in a world where denunciation would be a virtue. The media, social networks and the violence of positions without nuance push us to behavior worthy of the Wild West. I have given in to it too, I ‘shot Victoria Abril on sight and I’m not proud of it’.

“On the other hand, like millions of people in France, I can no longer tolerate the laxity of the Justice system when it comes to violence and I can no longer tolerate the powerful protecting themselves and cloaking themselves in their impunity, this privilege that they have acquired thanks to an idolatrous society unreasonably complacent in the face of abuse. If in addition it is in the name of love, of art, disgust makes me speak”.


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